Monday, March 19, 2007

The Art of Airport Sleeping

Just a heads-up: notebooks are supposed to be used for communication purposes. Like for phone-doodling. Or for pretend note-taking in lectures. It was always my understanding that if pens/pencils/crayons/lipstick/general writing tools weren’t around they’re basically rendered useless.

But I guess, where one man sees the endless possibilities of drawing, writing and hangman playing, the other sees a useful tool for deflecting blinding ceiling strobes. Props for originality dude. Did you know you were making an unmitigated symbolic statement when you slapped that half-bent scribble-pad on your noggin? Otherwise how else would you justify looking like a human lampshade?

It’s just a pity you didn’t carve a sign reading “one mans light is another mans darkness,” into the abandoned chair to your right. Space which I’m sure the pink-shirt ballerina is thankful for. But congratulations nonetheless, you’re officially a literal art-form. That’s deep. Let’s be friends. Are you some kind of notebook philosopher? No, but seriously, are you? Because that’d be cool n’ shit. You’ve opened my eyes to things I now know will help them close…

I’m not even going to start on your makeshift-pillow-out-of-notebook genius friend.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, you dudes are certainly clutching at straws now. Lame.

1:11 PM  

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